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Pre laminated MDF

Pre-lamination is the pressing of MF impregnated decorative or solid colour paper with homogeneous density and porosity on a Particle Board surface in a defined pressing cycle at a controlled temperature and pressure. Smooth melamine, which is put to the surfaces of MDF to make it watertight in order to minimise swelling, gives it the term pre-laminated MDF. Pre-laminated MDF allows for the application of a variety of patterns, colours, and designs with relative simplicity. Because the melamine seals the MDF, the cabinet inside doesn't need to be finished for a finished look. The melamine makes wiping and cleaning the surfaces a breeze. It is reasonably priced and provides a luxurious appearance. Pre-laminated MDF comes in a wide range of colours, textures, and wood grain patterns, giving you more options. It has a smooth surface that makes it suitable for use as a tabletop, countertop, workstation, or writing surface.

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